Create a New System Configuration

You can open an existing system configuration for editing by double-clicking on its name in the Library Navigator pane (System configurations are identified by the icon).

System Diagram

You open the system diagram for editing by clicking on the corresponding element with the system name in the navigation tree. On this diagram you can add, edit and delete device instances as well as network segments and links.

The figure below shows the result of opening the system diagram for the TEST_NW example in the test folder, then clicking on the SEG1 element (the examples in the test folder are used mostly for regression testing when changes are made to the FBDK).

Devices and Resources

You can add, edit and delete Device instances in a system diagram in the same manner as for FB instances in a function block diagram.

You can open Devices for editing by clicking on the corresponding device in the navigation tree.

You can edit a resource's function block diagram in the normal way after opening the diagram for editing by clicking on the resource in the navigation tree. However, you cannot edit or delete FB instances or connections that are defined as part of the Resource Type.

Network Segments and Links

You can use network segments and links to show the network layout in the system diagram. In the TEST_NW example shown above, the segments are the horizontal arrows and the links are the vertical lines between Devices and Segments.
  1. You can add a new Segment to the system diagram in the same manner as you would add a Device.
  2. You can drag a Segment in the diagram with the mouse, or move it incrementally with the Rosette.
  3. You can open a Segment for editing by double-clicking.
  4. You can edit the Segment's parameters, one at a time, from the list provided with the Parameters item of the Segment's pop-up menu.
  5. You can delete a Segment from the diagram via the Delete item of the Segment's pop-up menu.
  1. A Link can be drawn from a Segment to a Device by using the Connect gesture.
  2. You can open a Link to edit its comment by double-clicking, or from the Edit item of its pop-up menu.
  3. You can delete a Link from the diagram via the Delete item of the Link's pop-up menu.



You can map a function block instance from an application to a device or resource with the Map item of the popup menu for the function block instance in its application diagram. See the Mapping help page for details.


When your editing is complete, save your work with the Save As... button.
Of course, it is a good idea to save your work from time to time while editing, too!

Last updated: 2016-09-16.
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