TYPE ANALOG_16_INPUT_DATAI : (* An Array Data Type *) ANALOG_DATA[16] := [8(-4095),8(4095)] ; END_TYPE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE DataType SYSTEM "https://www.holobloc.com/xml/DataType.dtd" > <DataType Name="ANALOG_16_INPUT_DATAI" Comment="An Array Data Type" > <Identification Standard="61131-3" /> <VersionInfo Organization="Holobloc Inc" Version="0.5" Author="JHC" Date="2011-01-15" Remarks="Removed 61131-3 reference - in flux." /> <CompilerInfo header="package fb.rt.ita;" > <Compiler Language="Java" Vendor="Sun" Product="JDK" Version="1.7.0" /> </CompilerInfo> <ASN1Tag Class="PRIVATE" Number="18" /> <ArrayType BaseType="ANALOG_DATA" InitialValues="[8(-4095),8(4095)]" > <Subrange LowerLimit="0" UpperLimit="15" /> </ArrayType> </DataType>
As shown above, an instance of this array data type contains
an array of 16 values of the type ANALOG_DATA
of which the first 8 elements have the value -4095
the last 8 elements have the value 4095
See the SEND_AI16/RCV_AI16
Resource configurations for an example of testing the input,
encoding, decoding and output of instances of this data type.